kapol kalpana example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. The work of Efremov has led U abundant science fiction literature and popular, especially among scientists: annual collections are published, translated foreign writers, new writers are revealed 2. Then comes the time for commercials or fiction as Ecuador (1983), Charlotte for Ever ( 1986) Stan the Flasher (1989) foreshadowed already I love you, me neither (1975) 3. This hemorrhage of life is also that of fiction in those movies where Ferrara invented cinema truth through improvisation, but also using repetition of scenes or stolen moments on the set between two planes 4. This is also the Junior passage from adolescence to adulthood that provides the opportunity to Chester Gould integrate science fiction epic to its police 5. Thus do we renounced "the fiction of an executive finding the need to translate into action the rule, the foundation and the limit of its jurisdiction" (J

Given are the examples of hindi word kapol kalpana usage in english sentences. The examples of kapol kalpana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., fiction, abstraction.